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Automatic Pecans cracking and shelling machine for sale
Material: pecans,also for almond,hazelnut
Capacity: 300-500kg/h,800-1000kg/h
Loading Port: Qingdao,
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Our pecans cracking and shelling machine is used to removal pecans sheller automatically. The cracking and shelling machine with high working efficiency and saving labor. At the same time, the machine can keep the whole shape of pecans. It is pretty good for industrial who want resale the shelled pecans with beautiful shape.
According to the scientific determination of pecans , every kilogram of Pecans is equivalent to 5 kg of eggs or 9 kg of fresh milk nutritional value. Each 100 grams of pecans can produce 670 kcal of calories, is equal to the weight of food produced by the heat of 2 times.
Pecans is also rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins, have a high nutritional value, and Bunsi strong body, lower blood lipids effect. Neurasthenia, insomnia daily morning and evening to eat a few pecans, can nourishing diet. Pecans can be eaten or fried with continuous frying machine, also can be made a variety of delicious snacks.
According to the scientific determination of pecans , every kilogram of Pecans is equivalent to 5 kg of eggs or 9 kg of fresh milk nutritional value. Each 100 grams of pecans can produce 670 kcal of calories, is equal to the weight of food produced by the heat of 2 times.
Pecans is also rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins, have a high nutritional value, and Bunsi strong body, lower blood lipids effect. Neurasthenia, insomnia daily morning and evening to eat a few pecans, can nourishing diet. Pecans can be eaten or fried with continuous frying machine, also can be made a variety of delicious snacks.