Nuts are Helpful With Losing Weight

Nuts with high calorie, high fat content.Many people in order to lose weight to avoid the nuts away. But in fact nuts fat is unsaturated fatty acids, and is rich in dietary fiber, satiety strong, moderate consumption helps to lose weight.

Scientists analyzed 803 dietary habits found that those who eat the most pine nuts, almonds, walnuts and other tree nuts than those who drink the least nuts of the participants of the obesity rate was 37% to 46%.

Some people say, nuts high calorie, fat, why can lose weight? Nut fat content is indeed high, but nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids. The intake of unsaturated fatty acids and high-protein foods in nuts will, to a certain extent, increase the thermal effects of food, causing the food itself to consume a lot of energy. In addition, nuts are rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is a polysaccharide, it is not easy to be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, low calorie, strong satiety. So eat nuts, we do not have to eat a lot can have a full feeling. Nuts also contain a "weight loss weapon" - dietary fiber. Dietary fiber can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, speed up food through the gastrointestinal tract, reduce absorption. It can soften the stool, improve constipation, weight loss is significant. There are studies that nuts also contain many active substances, such as polyphenols, catechins, epicatechin and so on. These substances can promote metabolism, with a certain weight loss effect.

However, nuts, although the weight loss and some effect, this does not mean that nuts will be able to eat. Almost all can be put into the mouth to eat food will bring people heat, greedy, even if the food has weight loss effect is also unable to make you thinner. Even we often say that the weight loss experts apple, eat it is fat, let alone nuts?

Ways of eating nuts but do not get fat:

Looking for nuts

After dinner New Year to see the spring and evening to eat nuts, I do not know how much you eat. Studies have shown that if the nuts to join a meal, with starchy food to eat, can make satiety more lasting. So, nuts do not eat after meals, but should be eaten before meals or eat with dinner.

2. Pick the "unpleasant" nuts

People at the beginning, the nature of the "lazy", easily into the mouth of things we readily catch to eat. But to be hard to shell to eat the mouth, people are too lazy to eat, eat the speed will be much slower, eat naturally less. In order to avoid their own hold, greedy nuts, we can pick some hard nuts, such as pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, shell walnut and so on.



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